Iconics releases Version 10.96.2 of its automation software suite. Version 10.96.2 features major enhancements across Iconics’ multiple automation software offerings including GENESIS64 SCADA and building automation, Hyper Historian rapid data historian, AnalytiX data analysis, MobileHMI data mobility and IoTWorX cloud connectivity.
Among Version 10.96.2’s notable new features are:
- Energy AnalytiX based on Hyper Historian – a brand new implementation of the energy suite, based on high-performance historian
- GENESIS64 Basic SCADA – a new highly customizable entry-level package for GENESIS64 HMI/SCADA automation suite
- Geofences and worker location history – create geofence alarms for CFSWorX and display worker location history and geofences in KPIWorX maps
- Dark mode – for GraphWorX64 and Workbench
- HTML5 SPC chart – to view Quality AnalytiX data using HTML5 browsers or the MobileHMI mobile app
- Connectors for EtherNet/IP and Mitsubishi Electric Factory Automation devices – to natively connect to these devices and configure right from Workbench
- Takebishi DeviceXPlorer OPC Server – install DeviceXPlorer right from the Iconics installation media and use integrated Iconics licensing
Breaking Down Informational Silos
Nov. 22, 2024